We’re thrilled to feature Lydia Bailey as January’s Spotlight Artist
Lydia Halloway
When I was thirteen, I saw Prince with Janelle Monae at Madison Square Garden. It was exactly as epic as it sounds. Funnily enough, I didn’t really know who Prince was at the time, but Janelle made a huge impression on me — she did this whole futuristic alien invader queen thing and I was all about it.
I pour a lot of energy into my music, and it can be hard for me to get my mind off my work. So my life outside it is pretty boring and typical! If I can get in an hour of true crime with my boyfriend and a good workout, it’s a good day.
I’ve been writing and performing since I was really young, but 2019 was the birth of my solo project. It’s been twelve straight months out of my comfort zone, and while it’s terrifying, I’m also loving every minute of it.
I’m currently working on my 2020 releases. I’m making a point of setting aside dedicated time for writing in a rested, relaxed state — which is surprisingly difficult!
I have a handful of songs near fully written, but I want to spend some time with them before trying to bring them to their full potential.
Writing for me is so personal that even when a song comes to me all in a rush, I like to give it a lot of breathing room before bringing it to the studio.
Writing, writing, writing! I feel my voice as a writer getting so much stronger with every song, and it’s really thrilling to be on that journey.
I’m really proud of my most recent show, which I played at Knitting Factory in December. In the last year, I’ve taken my live performance from a weakness to a strength, and now I’m dying to get back on stage in 2020.
The biggest challenge is really my own internal voice — it’s always telling me to reach higher and work more. It never shuts up!
The biggest reward is always release day, when I finally get to share my music with my fans. It always feels like such a big personal triumph, but at the same time it’s so humbling to hear from people who love my music.
Your teacher last year was right — you should be a songwriter. Don’t quit piano lessons.
I have my eye on a few collaborators for the new year, but ultimately I’m very lucky to be surrounded by an awesome community of artists here in Brooklyn. Some of the best musicians I know are in my recents, so I’m just looking forward to exchanging more ideas and meeting new artists all the time.
Forget about streams and playlists and likes and applause, put your ego aside, and just love the craft as humbly as you can. It’s sacred.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Lydia. If you would like to find out more about Lydia, or give a follow check out the links below Artist