As we head into January, we at Music Industry City would like to take the time to celebrate Personal and Career Development Month!
Let’s start off the new year by changing our mindset. No longer will you be able to say; If I only could…I want to, but I’m not ready…That’s too crazy, I can’t do that!
We all know how it feels to get stuck in a rut. You’re not sure what you want to do next, and you find yourself going through the motions of your life/career without much enthusiasm.
The best way to improve your performance is by competing with, and setting high goals for yourself. You can’t control what other people do, but you can control your own actions.
What makes people stand out and succeed? When you see someone that is successful, do you wonder how they got there?
Let’s make this a quick one. Do you remember when you were young and wished you had someone to help you?
very unusual or remarkable.
worthy of attention; striking.